Together Weekend Offering

We had an incredible time at Together Weekend 2022! We’ve heard stories of people encountering Jesus in amazing ways and connecting with old friends and making new ones. A big part of the weekend was the offering we took on the Sunday morning. This offering is going towards our Grace Connection family and we’d love you to consider how you could play your part in our future.

If you weren’t part of that Sunday main session or weren’t able to be at Together Weekend but you’d still like to give to the offering, please hit the button below to fill out an online offering form.

What’s the offering for?

The offering will go towards the future of Grace Connection as well as covering some of the cost of Together Weekend. Here’s a rough breakdown:

  • £10,000 for The River Church as they continue to grow and bless Newcastle.
  • Cover the remaining costs of Together Weekend not covered by ticket sales (roughly £15,000).
  • Fund and develop future church plants as God leads us.

How can I give?

The best way to give to this offering is using online banking, either via a bank transfer or a standing order. All the information you need to fulfil your gift if you’re giving online can be found below:

Account Name: Grace Church Nottingham - GConnection
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account Number: 55908360
Sort Code: 30-96-18
Reference: TW22